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Half Hog Deposit

Half Hog Deposit

Deposit for half hog

Stock up and save.  Buy a half hog from us.  We will deliver it to the butcher and you determine how you would like it cut.  We will bill you for the animal, based on $4.25 per pound hanging weight (organs and head removed).  You will pay the butcher for his services.  We can schedule with a custom butcher (not USDA inspected) if your pork is for personal use, or we can schedule with a USDA inspected butcher if you would like to use your pork for commercial use.

Actual take home weight varies by size of the animal and by cut selection.  

You can expect that a half hog will take up 3-4 cubic feet of freezer space.

Our Idaho Pasture Pigs are raised outside on pasture using non-GMO feed.  The Idaho Pasture Pigs are a slow growing breed that give us a dark, rich pork.  Our charges are $4.25/lb hanging weight for the half or $4.15/lb for a whole.  Our pigs hang at about 90-135 lbs per half.  Hanging weight is the weight with skin and organs removed.  

Basic processing with no curing is usually around $140-160 per half.  Curing and slicing bacons and hams or sausage fabrication adds to the processing costs.  

Take home depends on how you have it cut.  We estimate 60-70% of hanging weight, depending on how many bone in cuts vs boneless cuts you ask for.  If you are interested in the organ meat, we would match you with someone who does not want it.

Pasture raised, antibiotic free, IPP pork is some of the best you will ever try.  If you want to try some before committing to buy in bulk, we have a great selection of cuts.